Dr. D Acupuncture is home to a wide variety of alternative therapies and treatments.
Dr. D Acupuncture is home to a wide variety of alternative therapies and treatments. That is why our Orlando Acupuncture center provides a range of holistic health services. We offer traditional Chinese Medicine techniques, acupuncture therapy, weight loss counseling, alternative medicine, fertility counseling, cupping, pain relief and much more.
Whether this is your first time choosing alternative medicine, or you have already worked with a holistic healthcare provider, our team will work closely with you to construct a treatment plan that fits your needs and addresses the source – not just the symptom. Call Dr D Acupuncture today to schedule your appointment in our Orlando Acupuncture Office.
Keywords: Acupuncture Orlando, Orlando Acupuncture, Acupuncture Winter Park, Acupuncture in Orlando, Alternative Medicine Orlando